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GOTHIC, 2D animation, 5”, format 16:9. Music by Jermozero. 2012.

Synopsis: In the novel "Sputnik Sweetheart" of Murakami there is a moment at which the protagonist is on a ferris wheel and discovers that she can see her flat from above: she looks into her house and sees herself having sex with a stranger. Obviously it's a crazy experience, because she is in the ferris wheel and not in the apartment and she even does not know the man who is with her other self, what follows is a sense of dread, fear of not having control over things, in this case not even over herself. The spinning wheel in the video is a tribute to this episode of the book.
The mere existence can provoke fear, it is bound to nature, which is foreign to us as is our own existence. Fear can be in the inability to grasp being in the world, the incomprehensibility of being alive. Familiar places -houses, trees, clouds, sunsets- potentially contain something disturbing. The houses, the walls, the windows are broken, they "open up" to show organic forms, halfway between plants and anatomical parts, suggesting that there are no real boundaries between us and the rest. It is not possible to protect ourselves from nature, or to hide from it. Furthermore there is no unrest outside of our gaze, as fear does not exist if there is no one to experience it.




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