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Il libro d’artista è il prodotto della ricerca di Rebecca Agnes sul linguaggio e sulla parola. Confrontando diversi alfabeti, e tenendo come riferimento l’alfabeto italiano, ha creato una breve raccolta illustrata di lettere e parole in lingue differenti. Le lingue incluse nel libro sono quelle parlata dalle persone che conosce l’artista. Il libro vuole mostrare da un lato i limiti di visione dati da un’unica lingua e contemporaneamente fa emergere le somiglianze di lingue distanti fra loro.











The artist’s book is a product of research in language and words. Comparing different alphabets, taking the Italian alphabet as reference, the artist created a short illustrated collection of letters and words in different languages. The languages included in the book are those spoken by the people personally connected to the artist. The book intends to show the limits of one data language and simultaneously reveals the similarities of distant languages.



THE ITALIAN ALPHABET HAS 21 LETTERS Artist's Book 6, First Limited edition of 100
signed and numbered.


Edizioni Inaudite | Collana Gli Irrilevanti
Artist's Book 6 | RA1 - 2014
© June 2014


To book your copy write please to: edizioninaudite@gmail.com

A / RÂU Romanian: river / INSULĂ Romanian: island/ WIĄZ Polish: elm / ÁRVORE Portuguese: tree / ‎الديناصور Arab: dinosaurus / ĀBOLS Latvian: apple /
METSÄ Finnish: forest / ГЪБИ Bulgarian: mushroom / MÅGE Icelandic: gull / БӘДІРЕН Kazakh: cucumber / RÆTUR Icelandic: root / ‎عنب Arab: grape

B / ‎بطة Arabic: duck / БАБОЧКА Russian: butterfly

C / ČIEKURS Latvian: cone / ĆERXEN Romani: star / AĞAÇ Turkish: tree / ЦЫПЛЕНОК Russian: chick / ΧΕΛΏΝΑ Greek: tortoise / ЧЕРЕШИ Bulgarian: cherry / ЧЕРЕПАХА Ukrainian: tortoise / CHAYOTE Spanish: chayote / ПОВРЋЕМ Serbian: vegetables

D / ДОМ Russian: house / ΔΑΜΆΣΚΗΝ Greek: plum / ЏАНАРИК Serbian: plum / ĎÁBEL Czech: devil / JÖRÐ / Icelandic: soil / ‎دجاجة Arab: hen / ‎ضف Arabic: frog / ذرة Arabic: mais

E / GĖLĖ / Lithuanian flower / PILSĒTA Latvian: city / FORÊT French: forest / REALTÀ Irish: star / VĚŽ Czech: tower / BÈRGA Romani: mountain / GĘŚ Polish: goose / ЭМУ Russian: emu / ЁЖ Russian: porcupine / ΉΛΙΟΣ Greek: sun

F / ФОРЕЛЬ Russian: trout / فطر Arab: mushroom / ΗΦΑΊΣΤΕΙΟ Greek: volcano

G / ΓΆΤΑ Greek: cat / AĞ Turkish: spider web / ҐАВA Ukrainian: a kind of bird / KOSMOSA KUĢIS Latvian: space ship / САРҒЫЛТ Kazakh: orange / جزر Arab: carrot / جزيرة Arab: island / ‎غابة Arab: forest / ‎غزال Arab: gazelle

H / ҚОҢЫР Kazakh: brown / حمار الوحش Arab: zebra / هدهد ‏Arab: hoopoe bird / ГРАДИНСКИ ОХЛЮВ Bulgarian: snail / ГРИБОК Ukrainian: mushroom

I / ÎLE French: island / DIRVOŽEMĮ Romanian: agricultural soil / ASTEROĪDS Latvian: asteroid / RAÍZ Spanish: root / INEK Turkish: cow / PANÌ Romani: water / РИБА Serbian: fish /їжак Ukrainian: hedgehog

J / ЖАСЫЛ Kazakh: green / ЄВРОПА Russian: Europe / КОСМИЧЕСКИЙ КОРАБЛЬ Russian: space ship / ZVIJEZDA Bosnian: star

K / ĶIRZAKA Latvian: lizard / АҚ Kazakh: white / KHER Romai: haus / Arab: book / خيار Arab: cucumber / KAUPUNKI Finnish: city

L / ŁABĘDŹ Polish: swa / ليل Arab: night / BILJKE Croatian: plant / БИЉКЕ Serbian: plant / ΔΈΝΤΡΟ Greek: tree / ЛУК Ukrainian: onion / LLAVE Spanish: key / CEĻŠ Latvian: street

M / مفتاح Arab: key

N / DLAŇ Czech: palm / MAURIŅŠ Latvian: meadow / SŁOŃ Polish: elephant / ÑAME Spanish: kind of tuber / ЛУНА Bulgarian: moon / KOŊ Wolof: catfisch /
ТОРАЊ Serbian: tower

O / ÖÖKULL Estonian: owl / ÕUN Estonian: apple / SKÓGUR Icelandic: forest / OPLØBET Danish: bud / ΩΟΘΉΚΕΣ Greek: ovaries / ӨРІК Kazakh: apricot

P / رمان Arab: pomegranate / ΨΆΡΙ Greek: fish / ΠΆΠΙΑ Greek: duck

Q / قارب Arab: kind of boat / ҚАРА Kazakh: black

R / MOŘE Czech: see / РАК Bulgarian: prawn / ‎ريشة Arab: feather

S / ŞEHIR Turkish: city / CREȘTERE Romanian: grow / ŚLIMAK Polish: snail / ŠUMA Bosnian Croatian: forest / СЛОН Bulgarian: elephant / ΣΑΛΙΓΚΆΡΙ Greek: snail / ΚΟΜΉΤΗΣ Greek: comet / KOSMOŜIPO Esperanto: space ship / ЯЩЕРИЦЫ Russian: lizard / ШУМА Serbian: forest / STRAßE German: street / ‎سيارة Arab: car / شجرة Arab : tree / ‎صقر Arab: hawk

T / ZIGOȚI Rumanian: zigoti / ŤUHÝKOVITÍ Czech: kind of bird / ЦИБУЛЯ Ukrainian: onion / ÞORSKUR Icelandic: cod / ط طاووس Arab: peacock / ΘΌΛΟΣ Greek: cupola / تفاحة Arab: apple

U / DIRVOŽEMIŲ Lithuanian: agricultural soil / ÚDOLÍ Czech: valley / GÜNEŞ Turkish: sun / JŪRA Latvian and Lithuanian: sea / ÙLICA Romani: road / УЛИЦА Russian: road / СҰР Kazakh: grey / TÚNFISKUR Icelandic: tuna / DŮM Czech: house

V / ВЕРБЛЮДЫ Belarusian: camel

W / ‎وردة Arab: rose / WOLK Dutch: cloud

X / XEER Wolof: rock / ΞΎΛΟ Greek: wood

Y / ‎ياسمين Arab: jasmine / РЫБА Russian: fish / ГОРНОСТАЙ Russian: ermine / ЯБЛОКО Russian: apple /АЮ Kazakh: bear / YAAX Wolof: fish

Z / ЖИРАФ Russian giraffe / JEŽEK Czech hedgehog / ŻABA Polish frog / ЗВЕЗДА Russian star / ظبي Arab: kind of elk / GALAŹ Polish branch / ‎زرافة Arab: giraffe



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